Jed Pickering at 11 months old
Updated August 2019

Hello all you Jed’s, I’m back and now I’m 13 and officially named jed Pickering

I live England and I really like being called jed because I feel special (even if I see now that there’s loads of us) but there’s never anyone in my school called jed I am the only one!

I have only ever met 1 jed in my life it was at an airport passport check the man checking asked which one of my family of 5 was jed. I started to internally panic because I assumed there was some kind of problem but then he just told me his name was jed too and I felt a sigh of relief

My mum told of one time were she met another ,mother with 2, her kids were called jed and Tate , this is weird because my sister is called Tate and it was strange to see both our strange names pop up in such an unexpected place

Anyway I love being called jed and I hope all you other jed’s have a great day

jed Pickering

I am James Ed Lancelot Pickering and I live in England. I
am 20 months old and people call me Jed or often my parents and sister
(Teagan) call me Jedmund.

I was going to be called just Jed but my mum called me
James at the last minute as it is more proper.

In England you can change a babies name before they are one by just
re registering and my parents are now considering changing my name to Jed
James Lancelot Pickering or Jedmund James Lancelot Pickering.

My parents now think that perhaps I am too special to have
a boring names like James and that they should change it to Jed.


Jed (and my mum Lucy)

Update: August 2019


