Jed Peterson on the right with Ted D Bair
(his real name)

Hi, My name is Jedidiah Peterson. The above photo is a picture of me and Ted D. Bair,
U.S. Navy Firefighters,  taken aboard the USS Bunker Hill during the Gulf War.

Please add me to your list, I too know the theme to the Beverly Hillbillies. One of the most striking phenomena is that people always call me "Jethro" as if that is a nickname for Jed. It has been happening for so many years, I am convinced it is a subconscious substitution based on the TV show.

The greatest part of being named Jed as a teenager in the 80s was the fact that my name was a unique 3-letter name, and that every video game high score I had left no doubt who it was (and it also meant I never had to reveal a dorky middle initial as my peers did).

Also, anything that can be monogrammed can have my first name.

Even in college, I have been able to sign everything "Jedidiah" and nobody has ever asked "Jedidiah who?"

Jed Peterson
Cumberland Head Fire Department
Water Rescue Unit
Plattsburgh NY
