Hey Jed,
Hi I just found your site by accident, I was trying to see
if my
name was a site, and wow it was! I would like to say good work on
this site together, and if you need help keeping it going or updating
would love to help.
Well my name actually is Jedediah, and my parents have no
idea why
they chose that name(actually my dad chose it). I am 17 years old and
have never met another Jed so far, but I've heard word another exists
my city. I live in Alberta, Canada, I don't really have to many stories
about my name except no one can seem to pronounce Jedediah where I'm
from, they say JED EE AH, or JUD EE AH, It really ticks me off when
that's what my teacher says taking attendance.
I used to hate my name and wanted to change it, but now I
realize that
Jed is an awesome name! It's very unique, and no one can ever forget
I've had several nicknames such as : Jedling, Jude, Jebediah, Jebba,
they don't bother me at all.
We'll good luck to all the Jed's on this site!!
P.S Jed's Will Rule The Earth!
Jed Pelech scrub1@home.com