Jed Levinson

Add one more to the list...and here's the weird part, there is
already a Jed Levinson on your list and I'm not him.  Never would of
thought in my wildest imaginings that TWO Jed Levinson's walked the
Earth! The other guy is Southern Jed and I am Northern Jed. I live in
New Jersey.
Common Answers to variations on " Is Jed your real name?"
A) No, it's not short for Jedidiah.
b) Yes, that's what's on my birth certificate.
c) Yes, that's what my Mother calls me.
d) Yes, that's my full name.
e) NO it's not a nickname.
f) No not (fill in the blank with Jeb, Ted, Jud, Jeff or Jay) it's Jed.
Best Part of meeting another Jed.

Getting to say your own name to someone else over and over.
Keep up the good work, 

Jed Levinson
