If your name is Jed
and you would like a free web page, please write a couple of
paragraphs telling everyone a
little bit about yourself.
As a suggestion, you could tell us all how you came to be named Jed. You could share any amusing stories or anecdotes related to having the name Jed. Because this is a site devoted to Jeds, at least a part of your story needs to be about what it is like to have the name Jed.
You could also write about the advantages of having such a unique name.
Send in your story when you want, and I will add a page for you when I have time.
If you send in a photo of yourself, please make sure it is less than 100kb, and it helps if you send either a jpeg or a gif. It saves me time when I create your page.
Glad to be a Jed,
Jed Gillin founder and webmaster