I received my name when a Jehovah's Witness came to my
house before
I was born. My mother answered the door and the two began
The Jehovah's Witness (who's name I know but eludes me now) mentioned
Solomon and how his original name is Jedediah.
Over the years I have wrestled with whether I have benefited or not
my name. On the one hand it sounds sort of hickish and kind of
you and singles you out because you're different. But, on the
other hand it is original and gives you the sort of feeling of being
One thing that I think a few of the other Jed's have mentioned that
found amazing was the feeling a Jed gets when he is in the presence
another Jed and his name is called. I too have experienced this
exceptionally frustrating phenomenon. I wonder if all people with
names feel this or maybe it is something only experienced by Jed's?
Anyway love the site keep up the good work, I hope that we can one
organize some type of get together (Jed-Fest 2000).
Jed Friedman JBudha9@aol.com